Seven Weeks and Counting

It isn’t possible to escape from the Christmas preparations in Edinburgh at the moment- well not if you venture into the city centre. This is the annual Christmas tree, gifted by Norway , I think for services rendered during WW2. It looked very graceful as it was tethered to the anointed spot outside New College. I hope it weathers what nature throws at it in the next six weeks.

I was in town to check on daughter#1 and partner, back in Edinburgh for the week end, after their frightening crash last Sunday. By all accounts they have been incredibly lucky to have no obvious injuries, just the write off of their car and irreparable damage to expensive paintings whose antique frames daughter#1 has been going to repair. The driver who drove at 40mph into the back of them not realising there was a stationary tail back at road works was 85.

There was much walking about the town to fulfil various errands. It was a nasty dank day with episodes of rain, so it was good to get back home and ’coorie doon’ with the papers and knitting until David and Luca appeared on their way home from swimming. I try to be self sufficient, but there always seems to be some problem for David to sort out on the technical front. This time it was a problem with Classical FM reception. He sorted it- good boy!

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