Sphygmomanometer- that’s a very big word!

This is my latest toy which should be simple to use , but is refusing at the moment to inflate the cuff, raising my BP rather than monitoring it.
Having spent all my life without even a thermometer in the house, I have been forced to invest in this sphygmomanometer because by all accounts the doctors aren’t too bothered about seeing you for what might be trivial reasons ..... or not.

My safe BP readings of late, thanks to weight loss and exercise, which got me off BP pills 4 years ago must surely be safe no more after the licking of countless baking bowls and mistrust of the gym during Covid, but I need to know the score . It would be careless to survive Covid but die of a stroke instead.

I know the hike down to Maggies this morning is a poor substitute for an hour in the gym and apart from an amble in the sun round the Meadows, that’s the sum total of exercise for the day, although no bowls have been licked so far and there has been the gain of the sunshine vitamin D.
If I get the monitor to work , all will be revealed.

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