Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

The Castle. Again.

The new walker we met last week was to come and pick up Archie at 10am today. But she forgot. It's impossible to explain to him after he's been waiting at the window for ages in expectation. JR helped him forget by taking him out instead.

We then went into town to meet a friend for lunch. We went to AllBarOne again, as it's handy and dog friendly. We were both going to opt for our usual 'fish and chips' but branched out and had their Pad Thai, and it was excellent. A good catch up with Zoe (how we LOVE not being involved in education any more!!) Archie had a bonus meeting with Elizabeth - she works nearby, and I saw her passing and called her in. He was very excited. 

We walked through the Grassmarket, heading to the Travel Agent for further discussions about our possible trip. We went past Mary's Milk Bar. Well, we didn’t go past - we went in, of course. Amazing flavours, but I always stick to my favourite - vanilla (actually, 'Milk'). JR had cinnamon and walnut (delicious).

Our young lady had a whole itinerary worked out for us, with different options and ideas. She was quite excited too. And I think we'll go for it. In fact, we WILL go for it. It's not till next summer, but it's a place we've always fancied going to. Very exciting.

Archie and JR walked home over the Meadows, but I popped back into town to pick up two pairs of shoes that we'd ordered online and got delivered to the shop. Much easier than waiting in for deliveries. We're both wearing them round the house as we speak, but I think both pairs will be going back. 

The sun was almost disappearing when I got into town, but I just caught it casting a last autumnal glow over Princes St Gardens.

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