
I forgot to take a blip yesterday (Friday) but mum & dad were still with us and we drove over to Josh’s so they could see his new home. They set off early this morning to avoid as much rain as possible that was due.

Both Mr C and I do our family tree when we can and earlier in the year A contacted us to say she thought they were related on Mr Cs paternal grandfathers side. Ironically, A lived just a street away from where Mr C and I lived with our parents. Although when we lived there she would have already been living in America which is where she was offered a job on finishing her university course. A and her husband try and visit the U.K. every year and wanted to meet us before they returned to the States.

We met them at the station where we all grew up and were greeted with a big hug. We found a coffee shop where we could get to know each other and what a lovely couple they were. We then went to another, popular, cafe for some lunch before we walked down memory lane. Past the church where Mr C and I got married, the house where A lived which was opposite my primary school. Then we jumped in the car and Mr C drove us to a local cemetery to show where two of their ancestors were buried, although sadly no headstones, and continued a little drive around the local area and on to the second house she lived in. We were now in Wimbledon and stopped at our quiz pub for some refreshments and Mr C got his paperwork out that he had been working on to show A. So if I’m right , Mr Cs great grandfather was the brother to As grandmother. We finally dropped them back to the station after a lovely afternoon together and I do hope we will see them again when they come over next year.

Talking of ancestry, I did my DNA in the summer and although not a surprise, I have a percentage of Irish blood in me. They were also able to locate it down to the Cork/Munster area. So I need to do a bit more investigating to find out some more details.

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