That's Life!

By Agan

A Tale Of Two Heroes . . .

Cam's soccer hero is Lionel Messi, the Barcelona and Argentine star, who was this week voted the world's best player. Cam is the hero of the local Saturday morning Under Six team - last week he scored 12 goals to bring his season's total to 113 in 9 games.

In case he gets too big-headed, it's worth pointing out that the teams have two goalnets each and NO goalkeeper. Oh, and girls are also allowed to play . . . Such is the life in the Georgetown Under Six league.

Cam's also the star of our Corridor Soccer league - he just beat me three times in a row (but I had the disadvantage of having a goalkeeper, Gomes, the stuffed blue monster).

Gotta go, just been summoned for Game No 4. I think I'll win this time - Gomes is injured . . .

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