Day 6

Day 6.....Kingston Lacy. We had to wake the twins at 7.20am! Sleepy eyed they got up and were really good. Breakfast and off to school .... it’s only a 5 min walk. Later in the morning we went to a stately home and gardens called Kingston Lacy. We had lunch in the stables which has been converted to a cafe. They have left the stable much as it was to create character (they have cleaned and painted them!). The gardens are lovely especially the Japanese one. We didn’t have time to see the house. The twins had after school clubs....Ime gymnastics and Bailey football. They were shattered when they got home. We spent time with them playing games which they love then tea, bath, another quick game and bed. We are really blessed to have two amazing sons and their families. Precious times that money can never buy! Home tomorrow evening.....not looking forward to saying goodbye!

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