Day 5

Day 5......Another lovely day with the grandchildren. They let us have a lay in till 7.22am today!! We went to their church this morning which was lovely. There is a Burger Cafe up the road from their house and the children recommended we go there. Good choice was lovely! The bonus was that on Sundays it’s half price for children! £2.45 for cheeseburger, chips, a drink and ice cream! We went to a play park later in the afternoon where they had great fun. Home for tea, bath, a bit of TV and bed. Much laughter tonight in the bath as they had a wet flannel throwing competition....not too much mess, then Bailey decided to put his pants on upside down, back to front, upside down and Ime and he were in fits. I love to hear them laugh! School bags all ready for the morning and we are off to bed soon. Poor hubby is full of a cold!

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