
The sun came out briefly this afternoon, so I was able to drag myself out of the house to go to Central Market for my Silly Saturday blips.  The photo above was the obvious choice, but I also spotted the winner of the annual pumpkin weigh-off in front of the store.  The sign giving the weight isn't really readable in the photo, but I believe it was about 1,400 pounds.  Try getting that out of your garden!

A nurse called this afternoon to say that May is still stuck at Swedish Hospital, but she is now in a room on a medical floor and Cascade has refused to accept her because of her "ongoing medical problems."  I do not know to what they are referring, as there is nothing acute that requires any active management.  But since May is now willing to be admitted voluntarily to a psych ward, other possible placements have opened up to which she will now be referred.  I think May is the person least stressed by all of this.

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