Texel Tup ....

Another day of cattle work. Once I had been round and fed all the cows, finished off clipping and sorting out the rest of yesterday’s bullocks. Hauled some more home to the slatted shed. Even managed to fit in a quick trip to the village hall for today’s soup lunch. Only had time for 2 helpings today though as time was short !
The hill herd away at the Blackie tup sale at Lanark today. He’s back home tonight with 4. ( 2 off a farm just along the hill, so a long way to go just to come back again .)
A touch of culture tonight as Mrs F took me with her to see a live viewing of Midsummer Night’s Dream at the Odeon. It was quite good as I only nodded off once !
This Texel Tup was giving me a good look on the way past this morning.

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