Hazy hawthorns......

Dreich , all day.
Cattle fed , then wee brother phoned to say yesterday’s limousin calf with the scour had died, so while he skinned the dead calf , I lifted the calf from the cow with one working tit and took it next door in the bike trailer . We put the skin from the dead calf onto this one like an extra overcoat so the mother smells it and ( hopefully) thinks it’s her own calf and takes it. Fingers crossed , as she has 4 working tits, a bit if a novelty round here !
Mrs F dropped Littlemiss off in town for a visit to the art gallery . When she came home she said the car was making a grinding noise. Turns out it was the tin shield round the brake calliper , so whipped both front wheels off, took the shields off and chucked them away. Sorted. Took it for a wee test drive and met a couple from the village out for a walk . Stopped for a wee socially distant chat , as no village soup lunch to catch up on all the chat . Do miss chatting to folk these days , even though I’m not known for being overly sociable !
Went down the road to feed the heifers tonight. These hawthorn berries were in abundance, but as soon as I tried to photograph them the wind picked up and they kept moving, therefore the out of focus shot !

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