
By zippyhippy

Thank You Mr. Kipling

This is my wee Wednesday morning treat. I always arrive at work absolutely Hank Marvin after Pump and RPM and have a bowl of soup and a banana before I even lift the toffee hammer to start clanging. After about an hour, I make a wee cup of tea and have a wee cake as a pre-3rd breakfast treat. I have been really enjoying the mince pies but they are no longer available so this wee fruit one was a decent enough substitute.

Looking forward to getting home tonight and putting my feet up. The wife is off to the gym for a class so hoping to get the girls off to bed early and catch up on The Wire. I'm on the last season and although I will really miss it when it is gone, I am intrigued to how it is going to end. Not sure what I am going to watch now!

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