Drake’s Leat

Took a walk with Jet this morning following Drake’s Leat to Burrator reservoir. Met a couple laying a sawdust trail for local children to follow in the spirit of Hash House Harriers. This is a photo along the leat.

Drake’s leat was created in 1591 to carry a much- needed water supply to Plymouth. Sir Francis Drake was the principal contractor to the project. A simple 2 metre wide trench was dug and this carried the water some 27km down to the Sutton Pool area of Plymouth. It was built by 30 men over 19 weeks. The workers were paid £300 to complete the work. Drake made £140 profit on the project.

The Orienteering was tricky but very enjoyable and we managed to avoid the rain. Thankfully the barn is only 5 minutes from the event. Home for sustenance and a nice cuppa before the rain set in.

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