Lovely lunch

Early start to the dentist who needs £270 to give me a new crown. He can get it done within the month so I’ll be sorted for our next trip.

Thought I’d cheer myself up by buying a winter wardrobe in White Stuff and after much deliberation made my choices. Then found my credit card was over the limit. Mr C had been buying flights again. Never mind I’m back in Morpeth tomorrow to see the specialist about my neck so I’ll be armed with another card.

Then I crawled up the non-dualised bit of the A1 to Alnwick where friend Lynne had made a tasty and pretty lunch for Jan and me. This is quinoa and Freekah with roasted veg and feta. It was yummy and very healthy. Poor Lynne has developed Type 2 diabetes though she’s very active and slim and eats healthily. She also got at the same time an auto-immune disease to do with her arteries so is having to take masses of medication most of which are likely to run out if there’s a no deal Brexit.

On the way home I called on Chris to find she’a been in the wars too. She slipped on a wet step at a friend’s swimming pool and hurt her back and knee. She never complains but I could see she was in pain.

Mr C has organised campsites and ferries for our few days away. I hope there are some fine days.

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