A new day

What a difference a better sleep makes - 6 hours then I went back to sleep for 2 more. Thanks for the sympathy yesterday.

This Blip is part of a pot on the front step and has bloomed all summer.

#3 daughter FaceTimed this morning so that I could chat to the children before Nathaniel went to football. I think I’ll cope if I can do this regularly as daughter really doesn’t feel they should come to see us, even outside, when the numbers are rising so rapidly.. She showed me a retro website which was selling our (Sadly long gone) 1970s Habitat dining chairs for £200 each. I told her it’s a pity she ruined ours by poking pencils into them.

Carole in Ipswich also was in touch - it’s made all the difference to have contact. Mr C is quite happy in the garden etc without seeing anyone, and although I’m happy in my own company, I think the not being able to get out for walks has exacerbated the low mood.

I’m nearly finished a Girl Woman Other. I think it might be more suited to younger women who need lecturing about feminism or who enjoy having their own views reenforced (lengthily). Some of us have been there before. It certainly hammers home her views on that, and lesbianism, binary, trans etc.

I’m almost finished my pile of books so must get back to Blackwells on-line. (Look how good I am - no more Amazon).

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