Exit Glacier

It is said that Exit Glacier is the only glacier in the Kenai Fjords National Park which is accessible by road.  That's a bit of an exaggeration as the car park is a couple of miles from the actual glacier. A stiff walk up a rocky path is needed to get a view of the ice

Today, there were warnings of an aggressive black bear and her cubs nearby, so we were told to be "bear aware." This entailed making plenty of noise by talking constantly - also sneezing, coughing, slapping insects, scraping feet on the path, laughing at self-deprecating humour, etc.  As a result, no bears were encountered. 

The signs also said to fight back if attacked by a black bear but to be docile if the assailant is a brown bear.  That could be tricky as some of the black bears look a bit brownish and some of the brown ones are quite dark - almost black in fact.

Later, we visited Seward's attractive downtown and the Alaskan Sea Life Center. The puffins and a lugubrious male Steller Sea Lion were the highlights.  

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