Manly Man

He is very lovely.
And Manly.

He has spent most of the day re-roofing our summer house as it was leaking because the roof felt was rubbish. He has then treated all of the timber on the walls of the summer house, by the light of his head torch. He chased away a frog apparently, so that it didn't get covered in creosote. He is manly, but considerate too.

He is now sat by the chiminea with a cup of tea, burning things and feeling quite satisfied with his day of hard work.

Me? Slept late, but only because I actually didn't get to sleep properly until around 6 am. I was struggling enormously, but little I could do about it except pop painkillers like they were sweeties. To no avail. The rest of the day has involved shopping for school shoes for James and his awkwardly sized feet - stressful as we had to go into town to a proper shoe shop. Bah. We rewarded outselves with shopping at Sainsburys - we don't go there often because it is 15 minutes drive and we have another supermarket on our doorstep, but it was a treat as I stacked the trolley with all sorts of naughtiness that our local doesn't stock. Nom nom. Simple things ;-)

I have also managed to box off all of the tasks I expected myself to do before returning to work on Monday, so that means that apart from ironing uniform tomorrow, I have a free day to slob out on the sofa.

Now, I can relax with a glass of wine.

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