And relax

At 3 o clock I decided enough was enough. The world isn't going to end if everything on my never ending list of jobs isn't finished by tomorrow morning.

To be honest, I am feeling that feisty that if anyone wants to have an argument about it, I am ready for them. Life is way too short.

So, we went for a walk/run. 5.26 km in 37 minutes. I ran half of it, in intervals - I had to to keep up which Corins long legged speedy walk. We are aiming for three times per week and I will try to get to the gym to do some strength training as well.

Healthy tea.

James tidied his room. The laundry is done. In fact, by 7pm, we were able to collapse on the sofa and watch a DVD on our new DVD player and now are watching another film.

Back to the chalk face tomorrow. I would like to say I am full of angst and woe about that, but to be honest, I want to see my colleagues and my children, so I am ready.

Today is 7 months since I last had a cigarette. For Corin it is just over 10 months. Something to be proud of!

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