I almost came first?!!

Today I went to a fête at the 'Royal Edinburgh Hospital' because Ann's friend, Fiona, had entered me into the dog competition. There were 12 dogs in the competition. My photo was on the board with 11 others and people had to vote for the dog that they liked best.

As soon as I got to the fête people kept coming up to me and telling me how lovely I was and that they'd already voted for me. I was in super friendly mode and I thought I stood a pretty good chance of wining because, lets face it; I am the cutest, friendliest, little puppy ever.

But do you know what happened?................................. I didn't win. I came second. Ann said second was really good, especially as the little doggie that came first was actually a therapy dog at the REH so obviously all the staff and patients would have voted for him. Grrrrr.............. I don't think members of staff should have been allowed to enter.

I thought I might get something tasty to eat at the fête but I didn't. Ann had a hot dog and Fiona had a burger and neither of them shared. Just how mean was that?!

However I did get to play in the field for a bit and I found a big stick and ran around with it for a while. That was fun!

Oh and if anyone is interested; Ann is thinking of putting me through the training to become a 'therapy dog' when I'm a bit older and calmer. She always wanted to do it with MollyCollie but unfortunately Molly had too many neurotic tendencies to be a suitable candidate. Nothing at all phases me and Ann thinks I would really be able to help people if I went into a hospital or a nursing/care home once a week for a couple of hours. What do you think Blippers?

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