Looking for squirrels

Ever since I chased, caught and killed a squirrel, I have been obsessed with squirrels. I'd like to catch another one!

This afternoon I went for a five and a half mile walk and two sections of my walk were through woods. I like woods. I know that squirrels live in woods. The trouble is............................ I go off chasing and if I'm in woods, then Ann can't see where I am and according to her, I don't come back quickly enough.

This is a Blip of me beside two trees where squirrels live. A pesky little squirrel ran up one of the trees and while I was jumping up at the tree, it jumped onto the other tree, zoomed down and ran off somewhere. Squirrels must be the most annoying little creatures ever. Grrrrrrrr..................…

Ann doesn't mind me chasing squirrels when she can see what I'm doing but today one of the woods we walked through was quite big and I kept zooming off into the undergrowth and Ann didn't have a clue where I was. I could hear her shouting, 'Trixie come.' And she had treats for me. But who wants treats when there was the potential to catch a squirrel?

Looks like that's another area of my training that Ann is going to have to work on.


Oh and if anyone is interested; Ann has done two 'meet & greets' today. To be honest, all her 'Meet & Greets' over the last couple of weeks have passed pretty uneventfully. Not today though!! This morning she waited at a property for one and a half hours (the amount of time she is paid for), with no response from visitors via phone or text. #Justhowrudeisthat And then after 5pm this evening, when she was on her way to another 'meet & greet', she gets a message from the first lot saying they're outside the property and how long was she going to be????? Duh!!!  Do holiday makers really think they are the only people in the world that need 'meet & greeting' and that Ann would actually still be sitting in a flat 6 hours after the time they'd said they would be arriving??!!!

Arrived at 2nd property before the allocated time (which was 5.30pm – the 'M&Gs always have to arrive half an hour before the guests to check that everything is working), only to get a whatsapp from guest to say that flight had landed and he was waiting for his luggage and he'd probably be at the flat between 6.30-7pm. Mmmmmmm...................... Ann whatsapp'd him to ask if he was getting a taxi or taking a tram/bus or walking??????? Not sure where the 6.30-7pm time came from????? Ann is very techie so had googled the time from Edinburgh Airport to the property – 18 mins. He should have arrived at the flat by 6pm which was his allocated time. At 6.50pm Ann whatsapp'd guest and asked if he knew what his ETA was because she could only stay till 7pm. Amazingly (not) he phoned straight away and said he was in the street but couldn't find the actual flat. Ann said she'd go outside and look for him. He said he was 'a big fat man'. Ann went out onto the street and there he was...................... a big fat man!!! With a bag full of pastries. Lol lol lol. Obviously stopped to buy some snacks en-route. 


When Ann came home she took me out for a wee. And then I went out for a little chillax on the balcony but the door blew shut. And because Ann was writing up my Blip I was out there for about 10mins before she realised I couldn't actually get back in again.


…...............But now the door is wide open so I'm having another little chillax out there. …............Well it's either that or watching 'Britains got Talent'??????????????????

Happy Saturday Night Blippers xxx

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