A morning with Archie

First thing this morning I only had a little 'around the block' walk because look who I went to play with later on............................ Archie the little Schnauzer. Archie doesn't like puppies so we'd waited until I was a big grown up puppy before I met him.

Archie really liked me!

First we had to pose for our Blip while we were both nice and clean and then we were allowed to play in the burn. I had a lovely time this morning. Archie's owners had brought a ball which I lost and I also found another old manky tennis ball. Unfortunately Ann wouldn't let me bring it home. She made me leave it in the park for another little doggie to play with.

There were lots of other young doggies in the park so I got loads of run about time. And do you know what?...................... even Archie played with me. Archie liked me. Yay! We had great fun chasing each other and jumping on top of each other. And then when Archie got fed up with the game I just went off and found someone else to play with.

Just before we left the park I found a young Cockerpoo and a 20 month old Beardie to play with. I was a bit naughty when I was playing with them because I wouldn't come when I was called. And the humans wanted to go for a coffee. Eventually Ann captured me and put me back on my lead. Boohoo.

After the humans had had coffee I got left 'home alone' and do you know what?...................... Ann forgot to shut my gate in between the livingroom/kitchen so when she came home I was happily snoozing on the sofa. But I hadn't chewed anything. Phew!!

Thank you Archie for a lovely morning. xx

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