Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Chester Cathedral

Today we met in Chester Cathedral for a day of celebrating Anglican Cursillo in the UK. We stayed with the business side of things then did a banner walk around Chester. We had a wonderful service in the Cathedral in the afternoon. I was sitting just in front of the wonderful window of Celtic saints just above the West door, the light through the glass was stunning.
I so enjoyed the service and meeting friends from across the UK. Having been involved for over 30 years now, I suppose its not really surprising how many people I've got to know, but I always am surprised! We had a good sized contingent of around a dozen who made the trip down from Scotland amongst a group of around 350. A great day, wonderful music and fellowship.
After the service I travelled with some friends from Carlisle Diocese up to the Lake District and I'm spending a couple of days there before heading back home. I hope it's not too wet, but the forecast is not promising.
The extra is the Chester Imp. The figure’s origin, age, and even purpose are unknown. A local legend holds that a monk or priest, while walking through the cathedral during its construction in the Middle Ages, was terrified to see the Devil himself gazing in at him through one of the great windows. The deciding was made to frighten him off by having an image of Satan wrapped with chains carved next to the window to show him what would happen should he return. Its positive is high up at the base of one of the window pillars in the nave and I just happened to spot him when I looked up. The joys once again of having a good zoom on my phone camera!

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