
Over to Renate's this morning for the regular fallen bloom removal. Seeing as this Hibiscus is so high that I can't reach its top, that's a big clear up! Giving the thing a good shake helps but for some reason that upsets the bees.
Another afternoon was spent in Murnau with S's mum, another couple of hours were spent with Alex and Peter, then home to catch up on the latest manoeuvre from our new PM, Dominic Cummings. What a parcel of rogues we've got down there now. I'd say it defies belief but unfortunately it doesn't. Anyway, just joined another three-quarters of a million folk and signed the anti-prorog petition. Didn't make me feel any better though.

On a lighter note, Day 8 of our roadworks is the Extra and shows an expanded hole. And we spied a stork on the house-roof opposite when we came home tonight. And it's thunder and lightning all around now. The stork has either flown off or been hit by lightning. There's just no end to the excitement.

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