The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Dingboche to Loboche 4939m

We gave ourselves a full twelve hours of sleep, waking at half seven to hastily dress in the cold. After a lazy breakfast we waited for the sun to hit the village and then climbed up and out of the valley. We headed towards Loboche in the warm sun, although I still had trousers, coat and gloves on until we reached the big climb! We stopped just before the main climb to have some tea and then slowly, steadily climbed through the prayer flags and the memorial 'mani' stones, in remembrance of all the climbers and trekkers who have died on the mountains. It was quite a sobering site.

When we reached Loboche we had late lunch and then pottered about in the valley - Paul having to climb as high as possible to keep himself active and occupied! I took a few photos and enjoyed the sun on my face in the cold climate.

After dinner we hit the sleeping bags.

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