Wet Weather Fun

I had both girls today and unfortunately it’s been raining heavily for most of the day, but rain hasn’t stopped play :-)

At the weekend I picked up a tie dye kit from Aldi, and yesterday bought cheap tee-shirts so this morning I set everything up for them, being very careful not to get the dye anywhere else! I tied the elastic bands on the tee shirts but then let the girls do the dying themselves, although I did help Violet by holding the bottles of dye with her. Once they’d finished we had to leave the tee shirts for 6-8 hours wrapped in cling film.

After lunch Scarlett went to a gymnastics workshop and Violet and I went swimming at David Lloyd. Scarlett also had her swimming lesson later on and I used that time to swim some lengths once Violet was back with Rach. The girls had their dinner at the cafe and then it was home for the unveiling of the tee shirts. There was much excitement and this is the end result which we’re all pretty impressed with!

Apologies once again for the lack of comments, but I don’t think I’ll get much chance this week, I promise to catch up when I can!

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