Formby Beach

I arrived at Rachel & Scott's last night at about 7.30pm after a not particularly pleasant journey that took about 6 hours.  There was torrential rain down south, which I drove through but then hit a lot of traffic.  Anyway, I made it safely and the girls were still up when I arrived.

This morning I heard Scott getting up for work, but I went back to sleep and when I woke again it was still dark and I thought it would be about 7am.  Imagine the shock when it was 8.55am!  I turned my phone on and there was a message from Rach asking me not to let Scarlett sleep beyond 9am (she's still sleeping late due to the jet lag).  Anyway, she was already up and sorting her clothes out that she wanted to wear lol!

After a rather than late breakfast I drove to Formby where there's a lovely sandy beach with sand dunes, as well as a red squirrel nature reserve that's owned by the National Trust.  It was almost 12pm when we arrived, and when I asked about the squirrels, the guy told me that they're more active first thing in the morning, so it was unlikely we'd see any.  Sadly he was right, but we enjoyed the woodland walk and then took our picnic down on the beach where we had seagulls permanently hovering above us, waiting for our lunch! (see my extra)

Scarlett had a hospital appointment this afternoon, so we couldn't stay too late, and on the way back we popped into Alan's mum and dad's with a card as it's their wedding anniversary today.  Everything was fine at the hospital and on the way home I called at Next and Ikea, and we got home just before everyone else, so we've had a pretty full day!

Tonight I met Alison at The Griffin pub, for something to eat and a catch up which has been nice, but now it's time for bed!

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