Garden Neglect!

A sunny and warm day, all day.  

Another day working in the museum.  There was two cruise ships in Lerwick today, and even with that, the museum has been fairly quiet, you can't blame them for wanting to be outdoors.  Plenty of odd jobs to keep me busy, including more clearing up from last week.  A busy evening in the peat hill, and managed to get 55 bags of peats home.  Popped along Madeline's for a cuppa after.  Off to work in the pub later. 

My poor old garden, I'm feeling this year it's been much neglected.  There was so much promise and hope, but with the poor start to the summer, when the good days do arrive, there's so much other things to do.  There's still plenty of flowers, and my veg patch is coming along, but loads of weeding needing sorted.  I haven't bought many new flowers, and some really need trimming back.  I'll just have to let it go wild this year, and it'll be high on my todo list for next year.  Taken at home, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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