St Andrews from the West Sands

11.6C with thin grey cloud. Light breeze.

Since Apothecary7 had her day off today we decided we would go through to St Andrews again. Just to make her few days off feel longer and more like a holiday. It was fairly grey with a layer of thin cloud, but there were one or two brighter spells and we always enjoy being in St Andrews.

The West Sands were much quieter than boxing day, so we took Maeve the Deerhound along the beach for a while and she had a bit of a run around. Do you think she hears Vangelis's theme from Chariots of Fire as she runs about? She definitely doesn't run around as much as she used to when let loose on such an expanse of sand. Lots of space and very good firm sand it was too. Just right when you have long legs and need lots of room to run in your favourite huge circles :-)

My blip is looking back towards St Andrews town from the beach.

We spent quite a while wandering up and down the streets of the old part of town too. We like the University buildings, the Castle, and the Cathedral.

On the way home we stopped to pick up something for dinner. Food again !

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