PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Day of Rest ... for some

Cold, wet and rather dreary day in the office. But I promised a bear blip and so a bear blip you shall have. Even if they were all lounging around snoozing - can't say I blame them really!

NB: I am in mourning for the loss of quality in my only zoom lens ... Stupidly I put the lens on a chair in my Hoi An hotel room walked away only to turn around with dread as I heard the loud 'clunk' on the hard tiled floor. It is still functioning but just doesn't feel the same. Today's misty conditions are challenging to photograph bears in but I fear the fuzzy colours and lack of sharpness is more to do with the near death fall it took the other day :( I apologise for all my bear photos that will follow for the next little while - I fear they will be sub-standard (by my standards at least!) until I can look at purchasing a new lens in Australia in March.

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