At last one .....
.... side done!
The day started well with me going to the bank to pay a bill. Home to find "A" had almost finished one side of the hedge. I helped clear up ( "A" did finish it) then I got a cuppa and lunch. "A" left at 2.40pm , I thought I'd go out into the garden and do some dead heading, then I decided I'd pull out some of the dead plants from some pots and get them ready for replanting, I must have disturbed a wasp in one pot ( nothing else seemed to be about) I immediately moved to another area but not knowing I was followed by this angry wasp he/she stung me on the back of my left thigh even tho' I had trousers on. It could have only been this wasp as there wasn't another insect in sight! What clever little things they are. I've given it the home treatment but it's very swollen red and getting larger. Just hope it improves tomorrow as I have had wasp stings in the past and was very allergic. I could do without this .
At least one side of the hedge looks tidy , just hope it's dry on Sunday so that we can get the other side done.
Weather had been kind today , if it had rained I wouldn't have been stung!
Appreciate .... Vinegar/ lemon juice/TCP and Anthisan cream.
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