Exciting .....
...... stuff!
Or is it!! Literally 4 minutes after this was taken we had a deluge of rain. I just couldn't leave all the cuttings on the pavement and path , therefore I stayed out to clear up. ALL my clothes were so wet I needed to put them into the machine to spin before I wash them tomorrow. So will we ever get this hedge finished, I don't think so !!
I was up early , the 2nd one in the refuse station . In fact in by 8am out by 8.05am with the necessary help given too. Then home to do chores and vacuum then cleared a path ( started another bag of rubbish!)
"A" came at about 12.15pm after his hospital appointment . After lunch our plans for the " dreaded hedge" was again spoilt, hey ho see what tomorrow brings.
Hope all have had a good day
Appreciate ..... "A's" intention to cut the hedge.
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