A time for everything

By turnx3

White ibis

Jen cooked us a delicious brunch to start our day, then we went out to a late morning service at their church - the Vineyard church in Houston - an interesting church as it is bi-lingual - all the spoken word is in English, but you can hear a Spanish translation of the sermon on headphones, and there is a Spanish synopsis in the bulletin. All the praise songs are done in a mixture of English and Spanish, and bible readings are put up on the screen in Spanish. In the afternoon we went out to Brazos Bend State Park. It was a pity we didn't have more time, as it was a pleasant sunny afternoon, and it's a lovely place to walk. We saw quite a bit of bird life, more than we remembered seeing on our previous visit, but we didn't see any alligators this time - I surmised it was probably a bit chilly for them, and they were staying at the bottom of the water. Since this was Philip's last day with us, we went out to eat in the evening at Queen Vic's Pub, which serves British and Indian-inspired dishes - very good food and plenty of it - I know I'm not going to like what the scales will be telling me when we get home! Afterwards, we had a game of Taboo - always good fun. Jen and Jason are very good at games like this, so we had Roger, Philip and I against Jen and Jason. The first game they still won convincingly, but the second we did much better - I think we may even have won, though it was very close!

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