A mini Blip Meet

It's become a bit of a tradition to have a mini Blip Meet at this time of year with 'Harebrain' (alias Nikki). See here and here and here and here and here and here.  Nikki and her hubby come to Cornwall every year and Nikki loved following MollyCollie's adventures. She was very sad when Ann had to let her know that MollyCollie was with her no longer.

Soooooo...................... today we arranged to meet at Godrevy. I had a little pep talk first about how I should be on my bestest behaviour and how Nikki was used to meeting Ann with MollyCollie. She said I wasn't to get upset if Nikki called me 'Molly' by mistake but she didn't. When Ann first got me she often called me Molly, but I didn't mind because I know how much Ann loved MollyCollie. Ann's friend, Fiona, (who left yesterday) spent most of her few days here calling me Molly.

But do you know what?......................... I'm a very secure little puppy and I don't really care what people call me. And Ann NEVER calls me Molly now and I like my name Trixie.  I am the most chilled out little puppy ever.

Anyway, we parked in our 'secret parking place', and then walked over the dunes, across the Red River (which wasn't very red today) and up to Godrevy where we found Nikki and her hubby chillaxing on the cliff top. Nikki had treats for me. Yay! She gave me some 'Chicken & Liver Tasties'. Yum, yum. Thank you Nikkie.

Walked across the fields to Mutton Cove to look for seals but for the first time ever, there were no seals there?!

Back to base and the humans had an ice cream. I got two little bits of ice cream cone. Yum, yum!

We've had a lovely afternoon. See you again next year Nikki. xxx

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