The Bar.

An hope of a lazy Saturday vanished the moment I agreed to help at one of our local yfc events, Sh**e Shirts and Short Skirts! Yes that is what it is called.

Anyway Chris Stark from Radio 1 was the central attraction, which I had to google as I did not know who he was! I may have to up my reading on radio 1 DJ’s!!

So the event was held at a local farm and there were about 500 youngsters , and the odd oldie, who attended . I worked on the back side of the bar supplying it with alcohol. I shifted 2/3rd of a refrigerated white vans worth of cans and bottles and it is fair to say that a) I NEVER stopped and b) I was shattered by 12.00 when eventually I stopped! It still went on for another half hour or so but I had met my Waterloo!

I got home at 1:00 am and slept the sleep of the dead!!

It was a very successful evening and all credit to the hardworking youngsters who basically did this mostly on their own. Good old Young Farmers!

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