
By TBay

The hair cut.

Pip is not too sure about her recent emergency hair cut! The usual little fluff ball has been well and truly scalped by Sue who on my orders set to with her horse clippers and got rid of a large percentage of her hair! It may not be a very professional hair cut but she is now a whole lot cooler!

This morning we had some rain! Haven’t see any of that for a while. However it really wasn’t enough to do much good, but it was better than nothing.

Mrs Tbay Jnr and children set off early for the Mall at Cribbs Causeway to go to the Build a Bear shop. An offer was publicise nationwide that the bears were on offer from just £1. This represents quite a saving, so just about every mother and small child in Somerset also thought it would be a good idea to take up this not to be missed offer. When they arrived at the Mall shortly after opening it became apparent that there was a 5hr waiting time in the queue to get into the shop!! Unsurprisingly Mrs Tbay decided against the 5hr wait and visited the Disney shop instead with little Miss where they purchased a doll. Then Home it was. On the National News this evening the Build a Bear fiasco was on it! Apparently this was an international offer and caused mayhem in all their stores! They say there is no such thing as bad publicity!!

Farming - Two out on mushroom compost.

A rather lack lustre day work wise for me! I seemed to be busy all day getting no where. I’m pretty sure tomorrow will make up for that! The day was finished off with a Young Farmers Meeting.

Little Miss is with us tonight in the hope that she may sleep all night! We shall see!

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