
By DrSandy


ME has been pestering me to help her walk her dogs - in public.

Since she was "on leave", because the UNISA campus, is closed for some renovations and I was "on leave", because the drawings, never came....I decided, today was the day.

I did go to gym, did a "stretch" class, instead of the usual "splash".

For the record, there was zero, "stretching", a better description of it, would have been a "strength" class.  Semantics !

From here, I drove to Benoni to "go walkies".

ME bundled her "girls" into the car, and we drove to one of the lakes in Benoni, for our big walk.

Absolutely loved it.

Do not really think, I was needed.  The dogs were fine and there was very little "public".  I was surprised at how "tame" the birds were (see extra) - they seemed totally unphased by "our" presence.  And the bassets, seemed equally unphased by "their" presence. 

This was something ME was very worried about.  I think she imagined, that her dogs would go nuts, shooting off in different directions and possibly dragging her into the dam. 

Post-walkies, I stayed for lunch.

Provided my own lunch.   When i was invited, ME was not having lunch, but she ultimately had McDonalds, which was delivered around an hour, after the specified delivery time. I was stunned, that they only charged R10 for the delivery, but not jealous.  My leftover mini-steak lunch, was FABULOUS. 

I think ME was a little jealous. 

Left ME around 3.  Returned home, in  a somewhat better frame of mind.  I wasn't hugely productive, just read the annals, but was less "sorry for myself".

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