
By TBay

My Lemon!

Another busy Tbay day. However quite a draining day for Mr Tbay who together with Miss Tbay have been dealing with more divorce c**p, and there has been a lot of it. I do so feel for my poor daughter and what she is going through, and it is hard on her Daddy too , but they are facing it together. At times like this family is so important, and we are so lucky that we do work as a team when the road gets bumpy.

Farming - Two on mushroom hauling , and one on baling.

The vet came today to look at the teeth of Tutti Fruity one of my ponies and has said that her front upper teeth must come out. Having had a good look at them I can understand why. Apparently they can survive quite happily with out them! So next Wednesday she will be having them out. In the meantime she is on daily painkillers.

And finally after a tough day you need a gin and tonic made even better with my first home grown lemon which was lovely!

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