
By zippyhippy

Is mummy your "lady love"?

Daughter number 1 is totally obsessed enamoured with the all the Disney Princesses and can tell you all about each one. Her favourite seems to be Cinderella and thinks every princess needs a handsome Prince Charming. Apparently I am very handsome and the wife is my "Lady Love". Not sure where this term comes from but it is quite sweet. I found Snow White and Prince Charming forever bound in this embrace by a scrunchie - not sure if this prince and princess come from the same story but I am no expert!

Looking forward to having a few days off to spend with the family. I decided to do something different tomorrow and I have booked a Body Attack class. I used to do this class but haven't done it since March so looking forward to a wee change.

An amazing RPM this morning by the Stupendous one - the mix was amazing but I was unable to play the drums this afternoon, I have a couple of pieces that I want to learn on the kit but my legs had no energy in them, love it!!!!

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