It's Almost Absurd...Feeding the Big Bird

This is a shot of Lisa my love,
who is feeding by hand a mourning dove.
She held out some seeds,
to fulfill the bird's needs,
maybe next time she'll wear a glove.

Our usual feed-by-hand birdies at Kensington Park are chickadees, tufted titmice, and nuthatches. This is the first time I have ever seen a dove take part in the feeding festivities. He/she was quite tame.

As I was snapping away, I yelled at the bird..."STICK OUT YOUR TONGUE! I guess Lisa thought I was talking to her. (Don't believe that part, but now I can see where our grandson Merrick gets his tongue-sticking-out habit from.)

In the Extras are a close-up of the feeding dove, and the same sleeping-at-mama's-nipple piglet that I posted on June 21st. 14 days later, and the wee one still can't stay awake.

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