Wilderness Wednesday!

So while I've been away the lawnmower has been off for a service. Coming back yesterday it was clear we had in fact once had a lawn, but perhaps in support of the bees we were now the proud owners of a wilderness garden! The poppies are doing very well.

We do plant for the pollinators, but I also need to cater for those who want to walk in the garden too, so the newly fettled mower was put through it's paces. The clover and tiny yet lovely blue and violet flowers are composting gently. It's sad but necessary. The poppies of course are still doing well...

Worse than sad and totally unnecessary is the extra, which shows what Barratt Homes think is appropriate work on what I'm sure are Tree Preservation Order protected trees. Utter vandalism, and even the ex-landower (who has to suck it up a bit after all) is utterly bereft because he planted these trees many years ago.

The local authority tree officers have been contacted. The courts have powers to fine anyone contravening a Tree Preservation Order. The maximum fine is £20,000 for destroying a tree and up to £2,500 for anyone who does not completely destroy a tree but has carried out some other works without consent. 

If the destruction of a tree is shown to be beneficial to a proposed development any fines are unlimited and are set at the discretion of the court. But hey, we can see your sign now eh...

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