torch and star trails

headed closer to Canigou this evening to see if I could see anything of an old Catalan tradition (dating from 1964!) that occurs on the eve of St Jean. 
A flame is taken from the Castillet in Perpignan up the mountain and a bonfire lit at midnight. Lots of people from the villages of Catalonia go up with their torches and return with a flame from the bonfire. This then is taken back down to the villages where they all then light bonfires and have a good excuse for some dancing and drinking. I had been thinking of doing star trails over Canigou but the mountain doesn't normally show up well at night. Tonight however all the hundreds of torches lit up the route to the summit. 
Extra is taken looking in the opposite direction from almost the same spot just sunset. 
PS cant decide if I prefer the other startrail one I did, has less detail but more graphic. Have added as another extra. 

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