River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: Walking in a Wet Woodland

It rained all day but no wind, temperature 13°C.
First Tuesday of the month so drove to Menai Bridge. We will be meeting at midday from now on because the Chinese restaurant is closing earlier after lunch.
After parking the car decided on a quick walk down to Church Island. It was lovely! Trees are in full leaf so very little rain finding its way to the ground. I was ready for lunch afterwards ...
Very high tide, see extra photo ...
David S is away for a month but there were 7 of us today, including David E.
When I was editing this photo spotted the Robin sitting on the wall, near bottom right corner!
Lots of Pennywort growing on the rock outcrops, I’ll try to remember next time I visit to pick some to taste - https://www.wildfooduk.com/edible-wild-plants/pennywort/
Goodnight all x

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