Coming out of My Cage....

Dr Hip and the Blues Operation have performed at every FyneFest there has been  (10 of them).  We have seen them every year we have been... I think we have been four times.  (It's a bit of a blur to be honest ha ha) 

This is them performing on Saturday night, ably backed up by two hens and their matrons of honor  - who met their other halves in bands at Fynefest :-) 

This afternoon we mostly sat in the sunshine of the Brewers Bar.  Exclusive beers from America and Italy and a few casks of Fyne Ales unique brands.  We sat with a couple from Switzerland who were enjoying everything Scotland had to offer -  Rain, Midgies, Beers, Chat, Dancing, people, haggis. 

We also enjoyed the music of The Viral Train Weans.  We looked in astonishment as this little girl and little boy took their place on the the stage.  And then stepped back in amazement as they started - he was 12, yes 12, and she was 15.  Together they were amazing.  The wee lad had a great turn of covers of Paolo, Lewis and Tom Walker.   Together they sun Shallows, from A Star is Born.  They were amazing. 

We watched a family come in - mum and little girl, dad with boy on the back.  When the music started the wee lad went into hyper dance mode.   What a mover - for being stuck in the back of his dad's back pack. 

Then it was time to eat - we opted for Soda Bread Cheese Toasties with Chutney. Wow, they were delish.  And finished it with Creme Brulee.  There is a massive range of food retailers at the festival - Chick Peas, Fox Hat, (texan bbq meat), pizza oven, Creme Brullee Van, Venison, Hog Roast, Falafal , curry, Chips, Too much to choose from. 

Then it was sleepy time. I like a nap in the afternoon. Himself read, and drank some more.  

I wasn't feeling brilliant when I woke up -  couldn't quite put my finger on it but not 100%

We went and found seats in the main arena and commenced the people watching.  Oh it is sooo good.  I was driven insane by young parents (wanting to party) not realising their children weren't crying because they were party poopers, but because they were beyond tired, and the music was toooo loud.  One mother was almost smothering her child trying to keep him asleep and arranged three stools to lay him across  - i think my "you are ridiculous" look did the trick. 

There were guys who thought there were sooo cool they were ridiculous  There were older ladies dressed up like they totally shouldn't have been.   There were young girls dressed completely inappropriately for a wet field.   It's a smorgasborg for people watching :-0 

We left just before the main band started, and opted to sit outside for a while.  It's really lovely sitting outside, under the marquees - on hay bales and listening to the music (slightly quieter)... and listening to the chat.  Again, kids roaming around, asking people about the dogs, because they wanted one but their mum and dad wouldn;'t let them. -so they were making friends with other dogs. (1030 at night - mom and dad not in sight). 

Then we headed up to the tent.  Short stop off at the loo on the way and then bed.  Only to wake two hours later, realising that whatever had made me feel unwell was just about to make an appearance. 

I only just made it out the tent when my stomach would not stop erupting. I made it to the fence and wretched as quietly as I could - and then staggered to the loo and had another problem in there.  I was half way back to the tent  when I had to turn round and run back.  

My worse nightmare. Throwing up in those toilets!   And people thinking I was worse for wear, when nothing could be farther from the truth.  I managed to get back to bed - and crawled in ; I managed to get back to sleep without further eruptions and woke this morning feeling a whole lot better. 

The wind however was howling, and the rain torrential.  The pair of us visited the loo and then sat and watched outside.  The same people who had just struggled to set up a tent - taking it back down again.  Everyone was soaked. 

Can I just say, my husband is a bloody star.  He knew I was terrified about the outgoing trip up the muddy slope and took all the bags back to the car, before coming back and putting the tent down and walking me back up the hill.     What would I be without him? 


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