Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Mince Pie anyone?

Watched Downton Abbey and Dr Who with the volume off last night, I find it's the best way. The best thing this Christmas on TV were the ancient episodes of Porridge, Morcambe and Wise etc. Who'd've thought it?

I wanted to go out with my New Camera Bag. It's all very well wearing it in the house, but I needed to see it in action - how quickly could I swing it round, whip out my camera and get those elusive shots of dozens of swans flying towards me. With last night's settings.

No buses, so I took the car and went to Dean Village. I have not fully explored this place, despite having lived here for years. I'm never sure if wee steps down are to the river, or to someone's back garden.

Parking. Were the Blue Meanies* out on Boxing Day? That seems mean enough, so they probably were. If there's one thing I hate is getting a parking ticket. I hate that almost as much as I hate paying for parking when there are no such restrictions.

Having a time limit is not conducive to fiddling with long exposures. Especially when people kept walking across the bridge causing it to move slightly. I might as well wave the camera around, as any movement at all makes it blurry.

Back through town via diversions. There is no easy way. Absolutely crowded. Queues right along the pavements for some shops. No buses, but cars everywhere. Blue Meanies must have had a day off (Damn! So I did pay for parking when I didn't need to!) to encourage folk to come and buy more stuff they don't need and can't afford, and so save the economy.

JR still coughing. Still saying she's coming right. I'm not sure it's a good idea going to the other end of the country on the first day you're up and about in almost a fortnight.

Very early start tomorrow. I have a list to make - don't want to forget anything.

I am eating my way through a dozen mince pies. Only three more to go...

* Edinburgh's famously over-enthusiastic traffic wardens

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