Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


The alarm went at the ungodly hour of 3.30. AM! Actually, I'd been awake most of the night- always the way when you're worried the alarm won't go off.

We felt like real country bumpkins when we arrived at Gatwick- loads of armed police, with big machine guns, making us all walk in single file, while a drugs dog sniffed us. Or perhaps an explosives dog! Eeeek!

However, made it to Henry's house. This was a house swap we did last Easter, but this time Henry's mum is happy to go and spend time with the London part of her family. So it was great to come back- feels like home.

Henry welcomed us. I think he remembers us! When his mum had gone, Henry and I went along the beach front for his walk. Bracing! HUGE waves. At one point Henry went down to the sea, and I panicked in case he was swept away by a big wave, and I'd have to jump in and rescue him. But no, he's a sensible lad dog. At times, he'd disappear, and I'd be looking everywhere, and he'd be walking right behind me. A little trick of his.

I seem to have remembered all the bits and doo-dackies to download upload from my camera. So that's all good. I am enjoying my wee Powershot camera. So small. So light. Fits in my pocket. Nice.

Loads of dog walkers and kids with new scooters out enjoying the break in the rain. Henry and JR are now relaxing on the sofas. JR coughing, but 'feeling better'. Later we will go to the supermarket to get a few essentials. Henry will not come with us.

It feels a long day already, and it's only just past midday! An early night, methinks.

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