Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Christmas Day 2012

I made Christmas dinner (lunch) today. All on my own.

What was that sudden draft I felt? Yes, it was the collective intake of breath of those who know me.

This is not the ideal situation! When we had a restaurant, many moons ago, JR did ALL the cooking. I peeled and chopped carrots and washed up. I am not a dab hand in the culinary part of the kitchen.

JR did not supervise at all. This tells you that she is still Not Right, although she keeps saying she is feeling better.

However, despite my extreme stress and panic (and the calm on the top while legs whirling under the surface picture came to mind) everything went off satisfactorily. I even used the right plates, or else JR was not fit enough to comment.

Uncle A agreed to be my blip today, amongst some of the goodies. He is looking slightly fed up, as I took so long to fiddle about and the Queen was about to come (on TV!). He gave me this 'Miniature Schnauzer' calendar, which made me laugh! It could be the nearest I am to having one in the house in 2013! He also gave me a bird watching book, and real Aussie licorice. He reads my blips! Hehehe!

I gave him a blip calendar. The big black thing on the sofa is my New Camera Bag. You wear it on your back, but it swings round so that you can get at the camera in front. It also has an attachment on the side for a tripod. I am hoping this makes it easier in crowds. I have been wearing it while doing the dishes and tidying up, but it's a bit hard to sit down with it on.

Right. Off to sit down and eat a few chocolates. And work out how my New Camera Bag works. Hope everyone had a lovely day.

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