Capital adventures

By marchmont

I love .... 8.50 they arrived with 6 boxes of supplies brought direct to my kitchen floor. The fridge is now stappit fu'

Weatherwise it was a horrible day today. Cold, wet, very wet, dark and dreich. Two hour rehearsing in the church for tomorrow's service. I hope it's better on the night.

The weather scuppered plans to visit the house with the folks but I went- on a bus after a rush round the house, cleaning, tidying and hoovering (dysoning?). I met a neighbour. She is on the board of of of our partners at work - och, Edinburgh is such a small place.

Then my friends came round to see the house - in the dark and after a look round it was back to their house for dinner. Lovely evening.

They tell me it's Christmas.

Oh here it is Merry Christmas ......

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