Getting darker??!!

When Ann first adopted me on 11th Feb. 2019, I was described as a 'tan collie'. Today I am 6 months old and on my notes yesterday, (when I went for my post op check up), I was described as being a 'tri-coloured collie???!!!

Mmmmmmm.......................... I suppose I am getting a little bit darker. When Ann first adopted me, the only bit of black on me, was on my tail??? Now I have gorgeous little black bits down the side of my ears and also I have a lot of black in my back. Do you think when I am a big grown up collie I might actually turn out to be black & white?'

Sooooooo........................ this morning we went off to do another of our 'Medal Route Walks'. We did the 'Edinburgh University Walk' and Ann recorded it on her 'Medal Route App'. When we got to the end of our walk, she pressed finish, assuming that she could upload her photos etc once we got home (as we have done for the last two walks). And guess what?........................... Our walk has completely disappeared???? It's not in our list of 'completed walks', & it's not 'pending' anywhere. More than 3 miles of walking has just disappeared into cyber space somewhere.

Technology is great when it works and extremely frustrating when it doesn't????

Oh well, ho hum, I had a lovely walk this morning.

PS – this is a Blip of me having a drink out of a strange looking structure while on our 'Medal Route Walk'.

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