
Today's the day …………………….. for a change of scenery

A perfect day today to drive west to the port of Cairnryan - and take the ferry over to Ireland.

There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the sea (thankfully) was like a millpond all the way to Larne.  We had quite a long drive ahead of us when we landed, because our destination was County Donegal, right at the extreme north-west corner of Ireland.  But we took things easy - always possible in this part of the world - and arrived without any trouble.

So, for the next week, this will be our view.  This is Errigal, a 751-metre (2,464 ft) mountain near Gweedore in County Donegal. It is the tallest peak in the county and part of the Derryveagh Mountains. It is also the most southern, steepest and highest of the mountain chain called the Seven Sisters.  Errigal is well known for the pinkish glow of its quartzite in the setting sun.

It was glowing very nicely this evening …………………..

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