Sugar hit

Oh my goodness, what a night...poor Nate's really under the weather. High temperature, lots of crying and lots of feeding = no sleep for anyone! Plus the girls were up at 5am!!!! Whyyy??? They played well together though, and we made a banana and sunflower seed loaf later in the day. About midday they requested a DVD and got pillows and blankets on the floor - their 5am start was beginning to show! 
Later in the day, when Isabel was back home, Camilla came over. So so nice to see her and have some back up with poorly Nate. We went out for some fresh air & got an ice cream. As we were wandering around we saw S. She's now been told that if/when the police show up at her door, she just has to go with awful is that?! So she's living in a constant state of limbo and stress...
Camilla stayed for the evening, and the Caña Club guys joined us...though I was in and out constantly because of an upset Nate.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Calpol.
2) Camilla coming over and helping out.
3) Wonderful news of growing family for friends!

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