
My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

A reasonable day, considering it was a Monday. And I managed to make myself laugh with today's title because I am like effing Oscar Wilde with the wit.

Which reminds me. I was checking out Kiwi phrases with Lemon today. This was after she used the word "munted". It's quite a useful word. It basically means "effed" but in a non-sweary way.

You can also "munt" things. Which is the equivalent of shoving a square peg in a round hole, or bogging up a solution somehow.

I asked Lemon if she had heard the Kiwi phrase "rattle yer dags" or if that was just a countryside thing. Caro's mum uses it as she was raised on a farm. 

Basically a "dag" is Kiwi word you can use to describe someone who is a bit of a laugh, a bit of a card, or to use another Aussie/Kiwi word, a bit of a "larrikin". 

Now I don't know why they use that word, because a "dag" is also a bit of poo that hangs off the back of a sheep. So to "rattle yer dags" means to put on a burst of speed. Get a wriggle on.

E.g. "Come on, we're going to be late, rattle yer dags."

Lemon had not heard of that one. I think she thought I was making it up. I swear to you that I am not.


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